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About us

Wealthy Health Natural Supplements was established in 1995 to meet the fast-growing demand in Australia’s complementary medicine industry. Combining the expertise of three of Australia's largest pharmaceutical companies, we research and formulate a wide range of premium healthcare products, offering effective solutions for health and well-being. Our business is built on a strong technical foundation and a multicultural perspective, with a focus on building lasting relationships.

What We Do

At Wealthy Health, we bring the latest in complementary healthcare to our customers. We supply high-quality health food products at affordable prices and have built a strong reputation within the Asian community in Australia. Our success has led to growing international demand, with exports now reaching both Asian and Middle Eastern markets, where we meet the strict Halal certification requirements.

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Our mission is to provide the purest and most potent natural ingredients available and to offer supplements that effectively support your health and well-being. We are committed to combining scientific research with natural ingredients to ensure the best possible outcomes for our customers.


We believe that true wealth comes from good health and the natural enjoyment of modern life. Wealthy Health is committed to helping people achieve optimal health through our relentless pursuit of product innovation. We source pure ingredients from Australia and around the world, selecting from green fields and controlled-environment agriculture facilities to ensure healthy produce. These ingredients meet Food and Pharmaceutical grade standards and comply with cGMP regulations from our approved supplier list. All raw materials undergo rigorous independent testing in NATA and TGA-licensed laboratories before use. With this commitment, we develop outstanding dietary supplements backed by scientific research.

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We are dedicated to quality, safety, and efficacy. Every step in the manufacturing of our products is carried out in accordance with the strictest Pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Our manufacturing and packaging facilities hold Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) licenses, and we undergo regular audits to ensure we meet both Australian and international standards.

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(612) 9648 4838



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9 Carolyn Street, 실버워터 NSW 2128, 호주


(612) 9648 4838

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